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Wolf Unleashed (Hybrid Prophecies Book 1) Page 4

  The waitress whose name Zara could not remember walked up to their table. Her slim figure pointed more towards Lucus. Zara rolled her eyes. “Hello. My name is Brittany and I will be your server today. What can I get you to drink?” Lucus smiled at her and told her that he would like water with lemon. She faced Zara and she told her the same. When she walked away, Zara smirked at her friend. “I do not know why she tries. She won’t get anywhere.” He told her. “Clearly she does not have gaydar.”

  “Tell me why you won’t come out of the closet again?” Zara asked.

  Lucus took a deep breath. Zara knew why but liked to discuss coming out to the pack with him often to get him open to the idea. Lucus was the only gay wolf in their pack. It was hard for him to play straight as the years passed. He was terrified to come out, fearing that they would reject him or worse kill him.

  “Do you really think that the pack would accept me?” He said softly.

  “I do. We are the Misfit Pack. Wolves are always being placed in our pack to be straightened out and then moved to other packs once they get in control of their wolf. Why would a werewolf who happens to like the same gender be any different?”

  “Because we have more men than women?”

  “Xander would defend you. Not to mention your best friend happens to be friends with a High Priestess of the most powerful coven?”

  Lucus laughed at that. His smile could illuminate the darkest of moments. Zara lived to make her best friend smile. “You’re not going to stop trying until I finally come out of the closet with a pink sequin tuxedo, are you?”

  “No. I demand a rainbow sequin tuxedo. Show off that Gay Pride!”

  Lucus threw back his head and laughed.


  It was later that evening when Zara joined Lucus at a nightclub in town. She wore a long-sleeved aqua dress that fell to mid-thigh, with an oval cutout in the back. Same shade of aqua pumps on her feet with an inch heel so she would be comfortable while dancing and walking throughout the night.

  Lucus asked her to join him at the club so they could relax and have some fun. Zara tried to turn him down because she had to train the next day, but Lucus was not having it. It was his turn to lecture Zara and tell her how she needed to have some fun. He was always concerned that Zara would lose herself in all the training and he did not want that to happen to her. It did not matter that she was destined to rule over the realm to him. He wanted her to stay the same Zara he knew and loved so much; he’d come to look upon her more like a sister than a friend.

  By the time they arrived at the club, it was eleven at night, and the club was in full swing. The music had a pop style beat. There was a sea of people moving and swaying to the rhythm. Zara immediately felt the increase in temperature from all the heat coming off everyone. The scent of booze and mix of perfumes and colognes hit her nostrils and she remembered why she tended to not come to clubs like these. The different color lights flashed around the room like an electric dance music festival was happening in the cramped space. She looked over at Lucus who was wearing a dark pair of jeans and a navy blue short-sleeved buttoned up shirt. His hair was moussed and styled to lay all on top of his head and slightly slicked back. “I can’t believe you did not wear the sequin suit.” Zara said to him. He smiled at her, but then he tilted his head toward the bar and Zara nodded in agreement.

  Zara and Lucus ordered their fruity drinks and looked around the room. Zara watched Lucus as he scanned the room. She wondered if he was looking for someone to dance with after they finished their drinks. She spotted a cute blond guy from across the club that looked as though he was looking at Lucus and Zara had hope. Maybe if he found someone, he would be more inclined to tell the pack, she thought.

  It did not take long for them to finish their first drink and hit the dance floor. Lucus danced alongside Zara, their bodies moving and swaying to the music in perfect rhythm. The music shifted to a song that required faster movements. They laughed as they danced, enjoying each other’s company. I needed this! Zara thought to herself.

  Since she arrived at Xander’s doorstep, her life had been constant training and learning. Xander was hellbent on their pack surviving the prophecy. Zara knew he loved her like she was his own daughter and he did not want to see her fail, but there was more to it than that. Xander did not want to fail his best friend. He did not want the daughter he promised to protect to die because he did not do enough to prepare her for the fight of a lifetime.

  The longer they danced, the more relaxed Zara became. She felt the tension leave her muscles and for once, the weight of the realm was not sitting on her shoulders. A song that required more finesse started blasting through the speakers. They looked at each other and smirked. Next thing Zara knew, Lucus was twirling her around the middle of the dance floor, salsa style. People moved to give them room to show off their moves. Lucus dipped her and the crowd went wild. If only they knew he played for the same team, she thought to herself giggling. The song ended and the crowd cheered. Lucus and Zara laughed, and then he pulled her into a hug.

  When they made their way back to the bar, Lucus thanked her for joining him and for the dance. Zara beamed at him then went to order another drink. The scent of animal blood, death and wolf mixed with vinegar hit her nostrils. Derek. “Ugh, what are you doing here?” Zara asked as she turned around and faced him. Derek was smaller than an average wolf. Most of them were six feet or taller. He stood only three inches taller than Zara and was average built. His hair was jet black and styled to look spikey. He was wearing dark jeans with a dark button up. His golden rod yellow eyes were staring at her like they could see into her soul. Zara hated him with every fiber of her being. He frequently ran his mouth, spouting that he will one day be Alpha of the Midwest pack, maybe even King one day. He snuck around town to keep tabs on her and Xander every day. Neighbors and others from around town would tell Zara that they spotted him soon after they saw her.

  “I wanted a night out. I did not know you guys were here too. Having fun?”

  “We were.” Lucus said. Derek looked over at him like he was an insect flying around his head.

  “The music here seems surprisingly good. Want to dance, Zara?” He asked.

  “No, thank you.”

  “Oh, why not? I took ballroom lessons in my youth. I can make sure we have some fun on the dance floor.”

  “I’m pretty tired from dancing a few minutes ago. Plus, I must meet with Xander tomorrow. I should get home.”

  Derek grabbed her wrist as Zara started to walk past him. “Do not you think you are being a little rude? All I asked for was a dance.”

  “We all know you want more than a dance, Derek.”

  “Well can you blame me?” His eyes darkened. Almost to the golden hue of his wolf. “You are the most eligible wolf in our pack.”

  “I have no interest in mating at this time.”

  “You aren’t going to have a choice much longer.”

  Zara stood up straighter and narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you talking about? I will always have a choice.” Derek smirked. As if he knew something Zara did not. “Xander isn’t going to let you go without mating much longer. There are not too many female wolves. We will need to boost our numbers if we do not want our realm taken over by another. And Xander? He has a duty to ensure his daughter is mated to a strong wolf, so he knows she is safe. I am Beta of the pack. I am the strongest he can get since he is Alpha.” Zara laughed at his arrogance. “Please, like Xander will force me to mate. In case you have not realized something, Xander does not approve of you very much. Especially since he knows that you like to run your mouth off about challenging him someday. He would never pick you as my mate even if he had a choice about who I choose.” Derek laughed at that statement. It had an evil tone. Zara wanted to bathe after he touched her. Now she wanted to bathe in bleach because his energy was wrapping around her and it left an oily feel against her skin.

  “You act as though you have a choice. He will
mate you off and I am at the top of the list.” He was an inch from her face. The scent of death and vinegar only intensified. His eyes were cold. Zara felt her own wolf come to the surface. Derek put his hand on her hip, and she felt her wolf’s power begin to warm her chest and spread out. “If you do not remove your hand from me, we will end your miserable life.” Zara heard her wolf’s voice overlap her own. Her power and magic spreading, her wolf wanted to take over.

  The next thing she knew, a hand was on her shoulder and Derek’s. A feeling of relaxation and happiness flooded over her. Lucus’s face came into focus next to her. She realized that it was his hands on them. “Now, now. We do not want the locals thinking us wolves are dangerous, do we? Let us call it a night.” Derek’s eyes were softer when she looked back at him. A small smile spread across his face as he nodded in agreement. Then he walked away from the bar, then left the club.

  “Did you just do that?”

  Lucus smiled. “I did. Your wolf was beginning to show who you really are, and I could not risk that.”

  “Did you hit him with your power more than me? He looked normal!”

  Lucus chuckled. “Well, it was the only way to get him out of here!”

  Zara looked back at the door to make sure he was gone. She did not see him anywhere. She looked at Lucus again, this time with more appreciation. “Thank you.”

  “Do not mention it. Let’s go home.”

  Lucus walked her home. The club was a good thirty minutes away. They were silent the whole time. Once Zara opened the door, she gave Lucus a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you again. I could have blown all our hard work keeping me a secret tonight. When did you get so good at controlling your ability?” He smiled. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “You’re not the only one training around here. Xander wants everyone prepared.” Before she could say anything else, he turned and walked across the street to his house. I think I may have underestimated my own best friend.

  Chapter Six: Atara

  Atara was nervous as she walked down the hall toward the throne room. She was not looking forward to telling her father she had failed her mission. Growing up, when she failed at anything he would yell until he was blue in the face, whether it be coming up short during a training session or getting anything short of perfect marks on her studies. He would always tell her that she was wasting his time if she was failing. However, she never lost respect for him. She knew that he was pushing her that hard so that she could keep her place at the top of the pack. Her father came into his immense power around the time she was born due to his “persistence in training and studying.” He only wanted her to follow in his footsteps.

  When she was just outside of the door, she overheard a conversation between Marcus and her father. Something told her to listen, even though she did not usually eavesdrop.

  “Status report on where we at with the Rider Realm?” her father asked.

  “They are not willing to join us at this time. Apparently, the next generation of the Supreme Riders have ascended into their magic and are currently locating their associated dragons.” Marcus replied.

  “I was not aware that the next generation was even born.”

  “They are around Atara’s age. Perhaps you were focusing on the prophecy and that is why you missed the news.”

  “Hmph. Perhaps.” Her father sounded rather annoyed at that comment. “What about the Elementals?”

  “King Regent, Tobias, stated that he does not have time for Werewolf politics and would rather govern his own people than be in the middle of whatever you are concocting.”

  “Who does this supposed ‘King’ think he is?”

  “Probably thinks he needs to focus on his people more than on ours. That is what Kings are for, after all.”

  Atara could feel her father’s aggravation from where she was standing. She was not sure why Marcus was using that tone or talking to her father that way. He was talking to his King. You would think he would show him the proper respect.

  “I also have been hearing whispers from my informants that there may be a woman who can control all four of the elements that is not of the royal line.” Marcus added.

  “I thought only the royals have the ability to control all four?”

  “That is what we know. One of my informants said that they are feeling darkness and light elements coming back to their realm. This woman may have those as well. This could change everything.”

  “Darkness and Light magic? In the Elemental Realm? How long has that kind of magic been gone?”

  “Since the disappearance of the Dark and Light Dragons a thousand years ago.”

  DRAGONS?! SHADOW AND LIGHT MAGIC?! When was Cyrus going to tell her about this? She thought to herself.

  She took the short pause in their conversation as an opportunity to knock on the door and walk into the room. Her Father’s emerald green eyes gazed at her with a quizzical look as he sat upon his golden throne. The throne always reminded her of the high-backed chairs that the human priests sat on inside of those churches that they attended. She was hoping that he did not notice that she may have overheard their conversation. Atara looked over to Marcus. He gave her a small smile and there was warmth within his crystal blue eyes.

  “Ah, my daughter has returned from her mission. Tell me, how did it go?”

  She squared her shoulders and looked at him with fake confidence. “I apologize father, but it did not go well. The target escaped before I was able to apprehend him.”

  Her father scowled at her. “What do you mean he escaped? Why did I put all that time, training, and money into you if you cannot apprehend one wolf?!”

  Atara felt her wolf coming to the surface. She managed to keep her contained before she took over. That would have led to a world of trouble.

  “I am sorry, sir. He was with others and they managed to keep me preoccupied enough to make sure he got away.”

  He narrowed his eyes on her. “Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you are not suited for the Enforcer position after all.” She had to stop herself from growling. He continued, “maybe I should just mate you off to a dominant wolf who could teach you what it means to not fail your king. I believe Derek from the Midwest pack does not have a mate.” She growled that time.

  Cyrus went silent. She hated it when he was silent. It was better when he screamed at the top of his lungs at her than when he stayed silent. She may have pushed him too far this time by growling at him. You do not growl at the king.

  He looked over at Marcus. Marcus rolled his eyes and then glared at Cyrus. “Fine. I will give you one more chance, Atara. One more chance to prove to me that you are capable of being the Enforcer this pack needs.” Atara did not move. She continued to show no emotion on the outside. On the inside, she was soaring with hope. “I would like to have the Shifters on our side. We need to build our allies.”

  “May I ask why we are building allies? The Lunar Coven is quite a powerful ally to have.”

  “We are a kingdom. Kingdoms need allies”

  She stayed silent.

  “I want you to go to their realm and speak with the Coyote Alpha. He is waiting for your arrival. If he turns down our offer, make him see the light.” Cyrus’s voice sounded off. It sounded as though someone else was saying that and not him. Atara did not say anything. She just nodded in response but decided to keep this in the back of her mind to investigate later.

  “When does he expect me?”

  “In three days. I suggest you train so you do not fail again.”


  Atara took her father’s words as a warning. Now was the time to throw herself into her training like never before to prepare for this mission. She could not fail again. It could be Cyrus just holding the failures over her head…. or death. She could only hope for the first option. Cyrus was not known for his merciful nature.

  She trained with weapons the rest of the day after the meeting with Cyrus. The next day’s focus was on hand to hand. The top wolves in the
pack were called in after she defeated the five trainers that were hired for her. Marcus supervised the matches and instead of having a smile on his face when she defeated the last of the five trainers, he had a look of worry. That made her angrier.

  Marcus was the one to call in the wolves. Dominic was the first one that she faced off with. Dominic was around her five-foot eight frame but had double the muscle mass that she did. His hair was chestnut brown and he had brown eyes. His nose was a little big for his face, but he had full lips and a strong jaw. She felt like he would be a good opponent since he was sixth in the pack. Once Marcus said begin, he immediately tackled her to the ground. She used this momentum to continue the movement and had him pinned to the ground with her hands and body weight. She felt herself growl and Dominic shuddered underneath her. Marcus declared her the winner, so she moved off him.

  She felt more relaxed as she felt her wolf soaking up the wins. She was also starting to feel different. Before she could put her finger on it, Marcus called her next opponent, Riley. He was not much taller than Dom but was bigger in build. He had sharp features that made him look like a human movie star with brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He was higher in rank than Dominic and got his position from fighting his way from the lowest in dominance to now fourth in the pack. He rolled his shoulders and just watched her. A patient hunter, she thought to herself. They each took a step toward each other, examining and calculating how this would play out. Atara grew impatient and advanced first by feigning a left hook, but as Riley moved to the side, she switched to throwing all her power into a right punch to his side. He deflected her wild haymaker and moved quickly to the left, leaving her face and chest exposed to attack. She had a split second to quickly dodge the upcoming punch. She ducked quickly with her arms up in a defensive position as she felt the air rush past her face from his powerful missed blow. Now he was open, and she took her chance to counter. She hit him hard below the ribcage in the solar plexus, a weak point she learned about during her anatomy lessons and knocked the wind right out of Riley. He fell to his hands and knees wheezing. Marcus then bellowed, “Good, Next!”