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Wolf Unleashed (Hybrid Prophecies Book 1)

  Table of Contents




  Chapter One: Zara

  Chapter Two: Atara

  Chapter Three: Zara

  Chapter Four: Atara

  Chapter Five: Zara

  Chapter Six: Atara

  Chapter Seven: Zara

  Chapter Eight: Atara

  Chapter Nine: Zara

  Chapter Ten: Cyrus

  Chapter Eleven: Zara

  Chapter Twelve: Atara

  Chapter Thirteen: Zara

  Chapter Fourteen: Atara

  Chapter Fifteen: Xander

  Chapter Sixteen: Atara

  Chapter Seventeen: Zara

  Chapter Eighteen: Atara

  Chapter Nineteen: Zara

  Chapter Twenty: Cyrus

  Chapter Twenty-One: Zara

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Atara

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Zara

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Atara

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Zara

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Atara

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Zara

  Chapter Twenty-Eight: Atara

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: Zara

  Chapter Thirty: Atara

  Chapter Thirty-One: Zara

  Chapter Thirty-Two: Atara

  Chapter Thirty-Three: Zara

  Chapter Thirty-Four: Zara

  Chapter Thirty-Five: Sophia


  Wolf Hunted: Sneak Peak

  About Luna Weathers


  Thank you for purchasing Wolf Unleashed: Hybrid Prophecies Book 1.

  Thank you for giving Luna Weathers a chance! This is my debut novel and a story that I hold dear to her heart.

  Thank you to the Hellward Coven. You are the reason I never gave up on this dream. You are the reason why this dream is within my reach from all your love, support, and encouragement. A special thank you to our Star Stalker who hounds me to send her my writing daily, keeping me on task.


  Zara knows exactly who she is, a hybrid shifter of prophecy. Part wolf, part witch, all badass. She trains with leaders of her dual nature, her pack’s Alpha, and the High Priestess of the Lunar Coven.

  However…she did not plan on Atara.

  Atara has trained every day since she could remember for the position of the Enforcer to uphold the Werewolf laws. Her father, King Cyrus of Werewolves, would not accept anything less than perfection. So that is what she gave him. That position was hers…even if she had to kill for it.

  But…she did not know about Zara.

  When a mission lands Atara in the Midwest territory and learns of Zara’s existence, secrets are exposed. Now, the dark forces are working harder to ensure that the fulfillment of the prophecy does not happen.

  Are the secrets that were kept hidden going to cost them their lives?


  Michael, Danni, and Zara were sitting in the woods around a blazing fire. They have been on the run for five years now, and they are all growing exhausted. Michael has lost weight over the years but kept his wolf strength. They feared that if they could not find a permanent place to hide from the Wolf King, they were lost. With all the running, they would not be able to keep up their strength until the prophecy was brought to life.

  A little girl with a round face looked up at the woman with a familiar face and sapphire eyes smiling down at her. Love and warmth radiating off her.

  Suddenly, they heard a twig snap. Black hooded men rushed into the area. A man with a round face, strong jaw line, and green-blue eyes with ink black hair jumped up and started screaming. The woman who looked like the little girl stepped in front of her. The man and woman were talking to her, but the little girl could not hear what they said. A light blue light blinded her as she shifted. Her paws landed on the ground and she took off running east. She heard screams coming from behind her, but her wolf continued to run.

  Zara woke with a gasp, her hair and body covered in sweat. She could not catch her breath. She hated that dream. It was a memory that never seemed to play out fully, the memory of the night her parents were murdered.

  Chapter One: Zara

  The crisp sound of leaves rustling echoed through the trees as the wind blew through the woods. A wolf, white as freshly fallen snow moved silently towards a man in the clearing ahead. The wolf quickly moved in the opposite direction so the wind would not carry its scent to him, the hunter. He wore normal jeans and a dark, short sleeved shirt with hiking boots. She knew she had to be careful. One bad move, and she would certainly die.

  As if the hunter sensed the wolf, he turned to face her direction. The wolf crouched down behind a rock formation, inspecting the hunter's appearance. He did not look as prepared as most of the hunters that hunted in this area. This one carried only a pistol and did not seem to have any other weapons on him. The look he was giving the rock formation, however, made her muscles tense.

  The hunter began striding over to the rocks with his weapon raised. A white blur jumped past the hunter’s arm, trying to disarm him before he could pull the trigger. She managed to get to his arm just before he got a shot off but did not get the gun out of his hand. The wolf landed on its paws and immediately turned to launch again. The hunter knocked her sideways and lifted his gun again. He fired, but she had already moved, causing him to miss. She leapt at him once more, but he ducked and ran off in the opposite direction. She dug her claws into the dirt and gave chase through the trees. This hunter knew to run in a criss cross pattern to slow down the wolf's movements.

  Suddenly. he made a sharp turn. The wolf could not make the turn fast enough. She growled when she realized she had lost him. She threw her head side to side, quickly checking the surroundings but did not notice where he went. Then his scent hit her nostrils, meaning she was downwind of him. She turned to face the direction the scent was coming from and noticed him running to a rock formation. She pushed all her energy into her legs and took off after him. The hunter got on top of a rock and faced the wolf with his gun raised. She pushed off the ground as hard as she could to make it to him before he could get a shot off. The shot hit her directly in the chest, and she went to the ground hard.

  “Damn it, Zara. I trained you better than this!” Xander bellowed.

  There was a soft white light around the wolf as it shifted back to a tall, slender woman with a red welt on her chest, and a look that could kill on her face. “Do you always have to hit me in the chest, Xander?” she asked him, “That hurt like hell. Thank god you only shoot paintballs during training,” Zara snapped back. Xander only continued to glare at her as she got to her feet.

  Zara ran her fingers through her raven black hair. It fell into place after her hand passed through. She thanked the Goddess that she was half witch so she could spell clothes onto her body when she shifted. She had never gotten the hang of not being modest in front of others. She thought of the wolf, Derek, in Xander's pack that had a thing for her, and she did not want to show him the promised land. She also wore a black, thick string around her neck with a crescent moon cage pendant that was made from shungite, a stone that can absorb negative energy. The pendant was small, no more than an inch long. The crescent had pebble sized crystals nestled inside of it. Zara touched the pendant to ensure that it was still safely on the chain she wore around her neck.

  This was a weekly training exercise that Xander held for Zara alone. He wanted to prepare her for anything that she might encounter. Not only because she was his adopted daughter, but because he wanted her to be powerful in every way, and every form, she could be. Her usual training session consisted of an
hour running in wolf form and in human form, an hour of hand to hand combat, an hour of weaponry training, and then this practice hunting exercise.

  Xander was not a man to try and intimidate either. He stood over six feet tall and was built like a linebacker. He had thick black hair and eyes that were the color of moss. He was once a Sergeant in the Marine Corps until he was Changed. His wolf form was just as intimidating. It was as large as a grizzly bear, but the coloring was deep grays with gold eyes. Not to mention, he was the Alpha of the Midwest pack.

  “How many times do I have to tell you the only way you'll survive is by becoming one with your wolf?” His voice was calm, but stern.

  Zara was offended by his question. “I am more at one with my wolf than half of your pack! How did you know I was behind that rock formation anyway?”

  Zara was not completely lying. A lot of troubled wolves ended up in Xander’s pack because he was well known to work miracles. When wolves are first bitten, they only have a few months to accept what happened to them and become one with the wolf inside of themselves. Otherwise, the wolf is in complete control and tends to become dangerous to everyone around them. And on top of that, Xander’s mate is an Omega wolf, gifted with an ability to calm wolves with her presence alone. This helped new wolves relax and accept the Change faster than usual so they would not pose a danger to others or themselves.

  “You know what I mean, Zara. And I heard you. I do not know how you are still making that mistake.”

  “And I do not know why you keep grilling me about this!”

  Xander took a deep breath. When he released it, the woods fell silent as if the Alpha demanded it with that heavy sigh. “Because I do not want your parent’s death to be in vain.” It felt as though he punched her in the gut. He looked pained. As if he was still mourning his best friend's death from over two decades ago.

  “I did not mean to -” Xander held up his hand to cut me off. “The last thing I want is for you to end up dead because I did not do enough. Let’s go talk up on Watchman’s Peak”

  Watchman's Peak was a beautiful overlook that Xander and Zara tended to use when they needed to think and sometimes have heart to hearts. Xander led the way. The clearing they were at was at the base of the peak, so they just had to walk through the woods and up to the peak. It was difficult to keep up considering Xander was taller than her and took longer strides. Zara was tempted to shift back into her wolf to make the journey easier but did not want to risk making him angrier with her than he already seemed to be.

  It took half an hour for them to reach the top, but it felt like twice as long because they walked in silence. The cliff overlooked a small valley surrounded by rolling hills. Their small town lay at the bottom of the valley. The town was populated with less than five thousand people. A little less than forty of them were werewolves in Xander’s pack. From the top of the cliff, the town looked like one of those postcards you got in the mail from family members who happened to have visited there. It was very peaceful. It was not often outsiders came through because it was not on any map and there were no major highways nearby. The perfect place for a pack of troubled werewolves to live without problems. The heavy wards placed around the town, and the surrounding area helped too. If a supernatural creature walked through the wards, Xander would know about it almost instantly.

  Xander stood at the edge of the cliff. Zara could not help but feel like Xander was a sentinel looking down on the town he was guarding. He always claimed the pack was protecting the town from things they would never wish to know about. Zara never understood what he meant since the town knew about the pack and lived in peace with them. Xander would tell Zara that there were things in their world that were much worse than werewolves and Zara knew what he meant. There are some Fae that would kill a human in a heartbeat and sleep fine at night. They did not particularly care for humans and thought of them as lesser beings. There were also sorcerers and witches that practice forbidden dark magic, who preyed on all manner of beings, werewolves, and humans alike.

  There were other supernaturals of course. Elementals are a breed who can manifest and control the elements. They are very in tune with nature and can harness nature's energy to become more powerful. Thankfully, they had their own realm and tended to stay within its borders. Xander says they liked to keep to themselves and the King of Elementals tried to keep his people from breeding with humans. That is how most species’ magic got diluted and that is not something a supernatural being wanted.

  There were other witches that could cast various kinds of magic. Healing and protection were the focus of most covens. Xander had a local coven on payroll in case young werewolves got into trouble that needed to be cleaned up or kept inside of wards, so they were not a threat to anyone. They were the Lunar Coven and the most powerful coven in any realm. There are always thirteen witches at a time within the coven and you had to be invited to join. They only invited the most powerful witches alive and each witch had their own specialty. The High Priestess’s name was Raven and being in her presence you knew she could kill you, raw power radiated off her as if she was an Alpha wolf. Her specialties were telekinesis, telepathy, and she could create portals. She was also Zara's mentor when it came to her witch half. On Zara's sixteenth birthday her powers developed, and Raven began to train her. Most of the time, Zara's powers did not want to cooperate. It has been eight years, nearly nine, and she still could not control her wild magic. Raven told Zara that it was because she was more wolf than witch. Zara thought she was just being polite.

  It was rumored that witches married werewolves a couple hundred of years ago to see if their children would become another breed of shifter, but they died off hundreds of years ago. They say the magic of witchcraft and magic of shifting into a wolf could be combined to create a breed that could shift into other animals instead of just wolves. Xander believed those covens who still believed in that kind of magic were breathing in too many of their special herbs and candles. There were still no signs of this species ever existing. Not to mention, no shifter has ever had more than one animal that they could turn into.

  Zara knew her parents died to keep her alive. She was the only wolf/witch hybrid in existence that was able to control their wolf and use magic. She also knew her birth started a war between a wolf who claimed he was “the King of the werewolves” and the wolves who did not like his dictatorship. The “King” made a law the day he announced that he was the most powerful wolf, that interspecies mating would be outlawed, and would be punishable by death. Especially if they conceived a pup. He was also dominant and powerful enough to kill any wolf who dared to challenge him for his position. A few were stupid enough to try and were killed. Those few were alphas and they had to be replaced in their packs after they died.

  Xander finally turned to face Zara. He did not look happy and Zara was nervous that it was her training session not going well. Lately, he had been on her case no matter what she did. It was starting to tick Zara's wolf off. “I wanted to talk to you about how you act in front of the other wolves,” he said. Oh yay. Another lecture about being a good girl. “I do not know what you mean.” He narrowed his eyes on her. "OKAY! I know exactly what you mean." It may have little to do with a certain white wolf that did not like being told what to do… she thought. He sighed at her. "You cannot keep showing your dominance! The last thing we want is for the truth to come out.” Ugh, not this again!

  The werewolf King ordered the death of Zara and her parents because of a prophecy that stated that Zara would dethrone him. It is said that Zara's wolf would be more dominant and powerful than any other wolf. Xander would tell Zara that her father was Beta to the Kingdom pack, which is the most powerful pack of wolves, and even her wolf was more dominant than he was when he was alive. Zara came to be because her father was soul mated to a witch. Not just any witch either. A witch from the Lunar Coven. Xander told Zara that her father had Changed her mother because another wolf attacked her, and she was dying. Michael, her father,
could not live with the fact that he only found her a few months before this incident and was about to lose her. It worked. She Changed successfully, which was hard to do. Not just anyone survived the Change. Only those who had souls that the wolf counterpart deemed worthy. Then you also had to accept the wolf too.

  Michael found out they were pregnant when the king, Cyrus, took over the Kingdom pack. At the time, there was a witch Seer in the Lunar Coven. She saw the prophecy during the first full moon of her mother, Danni’s, pregnancy that stated:

  During the twenty-fifth moon a choice will be made

  The Kingdom of wolves need witch’s magic to be saved

  A wolf white as snow will end the night

  Will replace the shadows with a heart so bright

  Danni was pregnant with a wolf pup that would have witch’s magic. Danni and Michael fled just before Cyrus was told of the prophecy. Luckily, the High Priestess before Raven loved Danni enough to give them a head start. Xander told Zara that she showed up on his doorstep five years later in her wolf form. Since then, he has raised her with his mate, Sophia. No one in the pack knew that she was part witch. They just know she is a white wolf. It is rare, but she is not the only white wolf known at this time. Since then, Zara has been trained as her wolf, in multiple martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, and weapons training. Tutors were hired to teach her normal school subjects as well as a few human languages. Raven also taught her multiple languages for the use of magic. She also trained her under a dome that kept everyone else out. The older she got, the more her wolf wanted to display just how powerful they were, and it was growing impatient having to listen to Xander.

  Soulmates are also rare. Werewolves live for hundreds of years and some never find their soulmate. Sophia explained to Zara that finding your soulmate was a gift from the Moon Goddess. You had to be special and win her heart over before she would grant you the mate that was the other half of your soul. There are not many soul mated pairs. Some wolves would just mate if they loved each other.